items for sale
- Historical Aerial Photo DVDs - $5.00
- Topographic Maps - $5.00 Sold by region and in limited supply
- Survey Flags - $0.10 each or $10.00 for a bundle of 100
- Rain Barrel Kit with the 50-gallon Barrel - $40
- Rain Barrel kit (no barrel, just the kit) - $30
- Rain Barrel (just the barrel) - $10
- Please Note: Sometimes rain barrels are available and sometimes we have a wait list until we receive more.
- Tree Sale and Fish Sale take place the beginning of each calendar year
- Updated forms and info for tree and fish sale are posted in January of each year. To receive this via our quarterly newsletter, please contact our office to be added to our newsletter mailing/email list.
Tax Exempt Form
Required by the state beginning January 1, 2022, Pickaway SWCD will be charging sales tax (7.25%) for items rented and sold. If you are a tax-exempt entity and you purchase or rent items from the District, please turn your tax-exempt form into the office.
Required by the state beginning January 1, 2022, Pickaway SWCD will be charging sales tax (7.25%) for items rented and sold. If you are a tax-exempt entity and you purchase or rent items from the District, please turn your tax-exempt form into the office.